While there are new movies that are fun and enjoyable, they just don‘t have the same impact as the Action and Horror Movies we remember as kids/teenagers. So we figured we were not alone in our nostalgia and created a podcast to entertain people who feel the same as us. We will talk about what made certain movies so memorable. We will talk about a movie so cheesy but still makes us smile. We will share a memory of watching a movie for the first time.

23 minutes ago
SISU - Action
23 minutes ago
23 minutes ago
One look at Sisu should be enough for any reasonable to immediately deduce that in no way shape or for show you screw with this guy on any level. Phrases like "Yes, sir No, sir, May I help, sir, Thank you for not forcibly removing my spleen, sir" are all perfectly acceptable forms of communication with Sisu. Things like, "Imma shoot your dog, blow up your horse, steal your gold and burn down your country," are NOT what one would call a sensible conversation. Sisu is a film that flew under the radar for many action fans for the simple reason that a theatrical release shortly after the worst of the COVID pandemic killed the hopes and dreams of most films that weren't named Godzilla or Maverick. This film is worthy of being in a "Banger" month so please see the film before you listen.
P.S. I know damn well that the main character's name isn't Sisu. Don't @ me. Sisu is way easier to remember than Aatami.

4 days ago
Guyver: Dark Hero - B/Action
4 days ago
4 days ago
I AM THE GUYVER! AGAIN! Mikey from Monster Zone joins us to gush over 1994’s The Guyver 2: Dark Hero! Sean Baker is back, setting the tone with fighting crime and dishing out cans of whoop ass! As he struggles to coexist with the sentient alien armor within, the Cronos Corporation resurfaces! That means more Zoanoids, more amazing special effects, and more badass fight choreography! This one has its ups and downs, and no Mark Hamill tease, but we do get Steve Wang in the director’s chair who brings us a faithful Guyver adaptation!
Don't just watch Action, B-Action!!!

Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
Big Trouble in Little China - 200th Episode
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
200th Episode!!!!
I'm still toweling off after the explosive love fest the cast had while covering Big Trouble in Little China. So so sticky. Anyways, it should come to no surprise that this is a favorite. It's weird, it's got monsters, kung-fu, guns, magic, sword fighting, I mean, what's not to like. This movie is THE BEST comfort food you could cinematically ingest. It's filling and you never get tired of the taste. Everyone seemed genuinely jealous that Pete got to see this in the theater until everyone realized how old he is and then they just felt sad. RIP Pete. It's coming quicker than you think.

Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
The Matrix - Action
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
Once a generation a film comes around that makes such an international impact on pop culture that one can't comprehend a world without it. The Wizard of Oz, Psycho, Jaws, The Godfather and Star Wars are all examples of films that have or will influence generations of creators and fans of the movie industry. We got two of these kind of films in the 90s. Jurassic Park and the Matrix are such pop culture phenomenon that it's inconceivable that we won't continue to see their fingerprints all over the movie industry for decades to come. Covering The Matrix this week was a special experience for the cast and we have a hell of a conversation. Probably the most interesting fact to pop up was the Anna hadn't seen the film since she was a kid and pretty much saw it for the first time. Final verdict: The Matrix is boss!

Saturday Mar 08, 2025
Commando Ninja - B/Action
Saturday Mar 08, 2025
Saturday Mar 08, 2025
Did somebody say Future Cops!?
Hell no they didn't, but if you're looking for a solid hour of badass 80’s action movie references and hilarious one-liners, we’ve got just the thing for you! 2018’s Commando Ninja! Practical effects, outrageous kills, and more action movie tropes than you can shake a power glove at make this one an instant classic! But remember, only a Commando Ninja can kill a Commando Ninja!

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Scream - Horror
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
I won't say horror was dead in 1996 but it clearly had become stale and good scares with compelling stories were hard to come by. Blame it on Tipper Gore and the Parental Advisory movement or the fact that Hollywood was more interested in making a quick buck off aging franchises, horror in the mid 90s was just...meh. Thankfully some kid at a horror convention insulted Wes Craven by saying he wasn't scary anymore. Craven said, "Hold my beer, kid," and Scream was born. The horror community owes Scream a depth of gratitude that is unmeasured. Without Scream, I don't think horror would exist as we know it today. Anna is called the Scream Queen because she's got a great set of lungs. Anna is a bona fide Scream expert and she drives this conversation in the best direction. No matter how many times you've seen Scream, treat yourself and go watch it again before listening. You deserve it.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
The Stepfather - Horror
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
All good things must come to an end and sadly the Month of Pete is no exception. That is unless we can get a social media campaign going to make this the Year of Pete. Hey, that's a good idea! CALL TO ARMS! Fans! Friends! Family! Freaks! We need YOUR help! Please write to us on all the social media platforms (don't forget the upcoming OF site) and email the show that YOU want an entire year of Pete Picks. The Year of Pete will be a glorious event maybe only eclipsed by the creation of the Earth itself. I know you want this to happen but the only way it does is if YOU write in and let the corporate scum at the top know it's what YOU want. Better yet, record a short message and send it to gmbmampod@gmail.com. The more messages you send the better chance those corporate pigs at the top will have to bend to our will. We can force their hand but only if YOU let them know what the listeners really want, A YEAR OF PETE!!!!
Make it happen friends.
Oh yeah...we covered The Stepfather with special guest Erin from Manic Movie Monday!

Saturday Feb 22, 2025
American Ninja - B/Action
Saturday Feb 22, 2025
Saturday Feb 22, 2025
There are no Ninjas like the AMERICAN NINJA! The Dudikoff abides in this 1985 action movie classic from the iconic Canon Group. Ninja stars! Ninja Lasers! Ninja Tire Irons! From a French crime boss with his very own evil Power Rangers training facility to Steve James grabbing Ninjas by the balls, there’s no end to the campy badass action in this blast from the past! Ninja vanish! POOF!
Don't just watch Action, B Action!!!

Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
RRR - Action
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
You never know what film will pop up during The Month of Pete and...well... Pete picked the Bollywood modern classic "RRR" and it broke Nate. Broke him pretty bad. Sadly Anna was out sick and her shoulder wasn't available for Nate to cry on. Brian from Reviewing History returned to the show to sing the praises of the fictional epic featuring two of the most famous Indian folk heroes. Yes I said sing because this is a musical much to the trepidation of Charlie..until he watched it. Yes, somehow Pete found a musical that Charlie actually LIKED!!! Seriously, you'll never know what to expect with The Month of Pete. Charlie, Brian and Pete urge you to invest the time to watch the incredible visual spectacle that is RRR. Nate? Not so much.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Cruel Jaws - Horror
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Bruno Mattei is an infamous Italian director who's catalogue is full of some of the most egregious movie rip-offs of all time and this week's film, Cruel Jaws (aka Jaws 5) is no exception. Thankfully the cast was able to recruit Captain Steve from Bucket of Chum podcast to help us navigate through the confusing disjointed plot lines. Nate abandoned ship almost immediately and took Anna with him while Charlie, Pete and Captain Steve recognized the awfulness of the film and settled in for a good damn time. Don't let Nate's poopy diapers discourage you, three out of five hosts can't be wrong. Can we? I do encourage you to go watch it if just to see the blatant copyright infringement the movie is guilty of.